Parenthood is hectic on any given day, which is why board-certified pediatrician Sung Park, MD, affectionately called Dr. Sean, offers telehealth services whenever appropriate. Patients at Lighthouse Pediatrics in Issaquah, Washington, can get expert advice without leaving home or having to schedule travel. Dr. Sean makes it easy to access care via phone, text, email, or video chat. Learn more about your telehealth options by calling the office or scheduling an appointment online today.
Telehealth, or telemedicine, lets you consult with Dr. Sean remotely through telecommunications technology, which includes calling, texting, emailing, or video chatting. You can choose the communication tool you’re most comfortable with to discuss your concerns about your child’s health.
Telehealth also enables Dr. Sean to do some evaluations remotely and make speedy recommendations when you need answers.
Lighthouse Pediatrics can use telehealth to address many of your child’s medical needs, such as:
If your child has cold or flu symptoms or other acute but non-life-threatening issues, Dr. Sean can quickly assess them and provide recommendations to help them feel better. If symptoms persist, he can offer calm and reassuring instructions on what to do next.
Having the courage and energy to leave home and go to a doctor’s office can be especially difficult for your child if they feel anxious, depressed, or stressed. If they’re evidencing behavioral difficulties or need to schedule a mental health follow-up, telehealth can make the process easier for them and you.
Having quick and convenient access to Dr. Sean removes a barrier between your child and getting the care recommendations, coping strategies, and emotional support they need.
Telehealth can make it much easier to attend routine appointments, make medication adjustments, and get essential lifestyle counseling if your child has a chronic illness like congenital heart disease, asthma, diabetes, or epilepsy.
Developmental conditions like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cerebral palsy, or autism can also benefit from telehealth check-ins.
Telehealth appointments are similar to those in person. If you’re meeting via video call, look for a quiet, private area with a strong internet connection and good lighting so Dr. Sean can see your child clearly and assess their needs. You can log onto a secure server during your appointment and discuss symptoms, ask questions, and receive advice.
Lighthouse Pediatrics offers direct primary care memberships to ensure your child receives world-class medical care. Dr. Sean works with you, your child’s teachers, and the wider community to coordinate all available resources and promote the best mental, emotional, and social development while protecting their health.
Learn more about getting healthcare via telehealth by calling the office or scheduling an evaluation online at Lighthouse Pediatrics via the website today.